F-courses registration

For better utilization of internship capacity and for security reasons, registration for the F internships in AC, OC and PC will again take place on a common platform. Registration for the summer semester 2024 is open from 05.02.2024 to 27.03.2024. Please use the form below.



Important: please only use your KIT e-mail address (no personal data may be sent to private e-mail addresses)!

Please note: All three internships are full-time internships. Please plan your participation in such a way that there is no overlap with any Bachelor's theses that may be due, and please note the participation requirements (see e.g. module handbook), in particular that all basic modules (including key qualifications) must be completed. In concrete terms, this means that further modules can be completed after online registration if not all modules listed in the registration form have been completed.

Please note the privacy policy.


* Anrede

* Studiengang

* Studiengangvariante

* Bereits absolvierte F-Praktika

* 1. Priorität für Praktikumswahl

* 2. Priorität für Praktikumswahl (bei Bachelor 2. ungleich 1.)

* Bestandene Module (zum Zeitpunkt der Anmeldung)

* Mastervorzugsleistung?

* required fields