Examination regulations
- New: Amendmentstatute
for the master's degree program in teaching at grammar schools
- Amendment stat ute
for the bachelor's degree program in teaching at grammar schools
- For students starting winter semester 2015/16: Study and Examination Regulations of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for the bachelor's degree program in secondary school teaching - Link
- For students starting winter semester 2018/19: Study and Examination Regulations of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for the Master's Degree Program in Teaching at Grammar Schools - Link
- Statutes for the Amendment of the Study and Examination Regulations of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for the Master's Degree Program in Teaching at Grammar Schools
- The study and examination regulations for students starting their studies until summer semester 2015 can be found here
- The examination regulations for the intermediate and orientation examination (for students with studies beginning up to and including summer semester 2010) can be found here.
- Ordinance of the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs on the First State Examination for the Teaching Profession at Gymnasiums (Gymnasium Teacher Examination Ordinance I -GymPO I) of July 31, 2009

Regulation F-Module Teaching B.Sc. (as of 05.11.2013)
- An internship from the subjects AC, OC or PC must be taken. From the subjects in which the internship is not attended, one lecture from a given list is attended (currently: AC: ACIII: Chemistry of Transition Metals; OC: OCIII or OC IV; PC: Molecular Spectroscopy or Reaction Kinetics).
- A final colloquium or final exam on the internship must be passed. Here the contents of the practical course are examined (75%). In addition, a presentation must be given in the associated F-seminar (25%). These two performances result in the internship grade.
- A written exam must be passed for each of the lectures (in the case of a low number of participants, an oral exam may be used as an alternative).
- All three module examinations weighted by LP points result in the overall module grade, i.e. 15 LP for the internship; 2x4.5 for the lectures (also for the lecture AC III, although this VL has only 2 SWS).
Note: Prerequisite for the admission to the Physical-Chemical F-Practicum for teaching assistants is the passing of a written exam from the spectrum of the elective lectures. As a compensation, in the future the working group internship (2 weeks) will be omitted for the teaching bachelor students. The exam is passed from 45% of the points (for all others 55%). If a PC exam is used as an examination performance, the grading is done accordingly (45% -> grade 4.0). The same applies to the exam for the internship admission in the basic module.
- All courses on didactics in chemistry are offered at the University of Education and can be attended there. These courses can be found via:
http://www.ph-karlsruhe.de/institute/ph/chemie/la-gymnasium-fachdidaktisches-modul - Information about the module Organic Chemistry
- Information about the module Physical Chemistry
Subject didactics: All courses on subject didactics in chemistry are offered at the College of Education and can be attended there. These courses can be found at:
Regulation on the F module M.Ed.
One practical course from the subjects AC, OC or PC must be taken. In addition, one lecture from each of the mentioned subjects from a given list (AC: ACIII: Chemistry of Transition Metals; OC: OCIII or OC IV; PC: Molecular Spectroscopy or Reaction Kinetics) is attended.

- Student secretariat
- Representative for the study program Higher Teaching Degree in Chemistry: Prof. Dr. Joachim Podlech - Contact
- Managing Director of the KIT Faculty: Dr. Axel Gbureck - Contact
- Chairman of the KIT Examination Board for Secondary School Teachers: Prof. Dr. Joachim Podlech - Contact
- Center for Teacher Education (ZLB)
- The homepage of the State Teacher Examination Office can be found here.

Application form for students of chemistry and chemical biology for the recognition of study and examination achievements
linkRecognition of study and examination achievements
Please refer to the respective regulations of the examination regulations for the recognition of study and examination achievements(see B.Sc., see M.Sc, see B.Ed., see M. Ed.). Study and examination achievements as well as periods of study completed in courses of study at state or state-recognized universities and universities of cooperative education in the Federal Republic of Germany or at foreign state or state-recognized universities can be recognized upon application by the student, provided that with regard to the competencies acquired there is no significant difference to the achievements or degrees which are to be replaced. No schematic comparison is to be made, but rather an overall consideration. Students must submit the documents required for recognition and submit the application with the documents required for recognition within one semester of enrollment.
Knowledge and skills acquired outside the university system shall be credited if they are equivalent in content and level to the study and examination achievements that are to be replaced and the institution in which the knowledge and skills were acquired has a standardized quality assurance system. Credit may be denied in parts if more than 50 percent of the university studies are to be replaced.
The examination board is responsible for recognition and crediting; as a rule, it decides on the basis of a recommendation by the relevant subject representatives.
Students of biology and food chemistry can find information about the recognition procedure on the corresponding pages of the study programs. For students of Chemistry and Chemical Biology there is a joint recognition procedure, which is described on the application form .
For better utilization of internship capacity and for safety reasons, registration for the F internships in AC, OC and PC takes place on a common platform; please register here